Friday, November 13, 2015

SEMERU PEAK AND RANU KUMBOLO, Ranu Pani Village, Senduro, East Java

Worthy Hike of Mahameru Peak

source : triptrus 

Semeru isn’t strange among mountain climbers. Below are the facts about the magnificence of Semeru.Let’s start our trip from Ranu Regulo village. You will find different morning in here. The weather just fine, it is like perfect escape.
In Semeru region, there are three places which well-known with their magnificence they are  Ranu Pani village, Ranu Regulo village, dan Ranu Kumbolo. Ranu Pani located in kecamatan Senduro, right on the slope of Semeru. Ranu Regulo located in 2200 mdpl, it is freezing there. The mist slowly fade and the sun start shining.Enjoy your trip, Indonesiaaa..!!

There are a lot to prepare before we climbs a mountain, even a small thing can be essentials. For example lamp, flashlight, battery, medicine, even socks. Graham Bell stated that “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success”.
First, we have to conduct a briefing (as always). Next, we gather the information about the track, the condition of the mountain, the weather, check point, and so on. Further, we have to pray to our GOD may his blessing always be with us..

It start from Ranu Pani village, a village that located on 2200 mdpl, then we have to hike for about 1400 meter to top but don’t worry, we will be accompanied by amazing view and nice weather. We will track on the asphalt then the field track and it will be a long way on the footstep track to the top of the mountain. Here the true climbs begin!

We need to pass four check points to reach the top of the mountain. Pass by Kalimati in 200 mdpl, and then real climbs to the mountain peak. It is better for us to start at night so we can enjoy the sunrise.

To reach the first check point, the track isn’t too extreme. It is a flat road. Semeru forest is a tropical forest, with huge and close trees, and the view cannot be described. For the time passed, the coldness starts attack. Don’t worry with the sunlight because the threes will protect you. We need +/- 2 hours to reach the first check point. We have a long way to go, so we better take a rest to recharge our power and spirit.

source : awalinfo 

The distance between the first check point and the second is quite near. It takes bout 15 minutes on flat land.

You will find many big trees on your way to the third check point and (the extreme ones) a ravine! OMG.. You will also pass stone hill called “Watu Rejeng”.

Please keep in mind! Keep the eyes on the group, You have to stay together!

On the way to the third check point. The track is little bit extreme as the writer stated before. We have to keep an eye on small landslide moreover when we passes “Watu Rejeng” there will be many pebble falls to the track and there will be a ravine too. So be careful.. Then here we go on the third check point!

Passed the third check point, the track is quite extreme. You will go through 45 degree slope with sandy footstep track and dust everywhere. So, it is better for you to use masker or buff to cover your respiratory organ. Here, your muscle and thigh are in their maximum work. Then, voillaa!! there is the fourth check point. The track is flat and it is not too far, it takes an hour to reach it.
Tired? Of course.. Mind to give up? Break a leg dude!
You are on it!!! Here is  Ranu Kumbolo !! The amazing lake on earth!

We will see “the heaven” of Semeru halfway to the fourth check point. The view is AMAZING!! (You have to see it by yourself)

From this point we can see the shelter to take a rest. Not too much if Ranu Kumbolo is called as “heaven on earth” because of its indescribable view.

For all the mountain climbers! Please take care of what GOD gave to you! Bring back your garbage, so the amazing view will last for ever!! Please, take care the nature for your children.
So,back to the Ranu Kumbolo. It called heaven on 2000 feet height. It is a lake with staid blue water with many palm trees around it.  Commonly, the climbers set their tent here. They said that Ranukumbolo is their hometown. Also, Ranu Kumbolo is the source of clean water for the climbers, so we are forbidden to take a bath there.

Next, there is an ascent called “Tanjakan Cinta” or “The ascent of Love”. There is a myth that if we passed it with our partner so our relationship will lasts forever. However, it is back to our own belief. I’m sure that Love isn’t a myth J .
To pass this ascent we have to optimize our strength just like if we fall in love with someone. Maybe that’s why it is called “Tanjakan Cinta” or “The ascent of Love”.  But, to pass this ascent we need to maximize our strength although it looks easy but trust me that it is hard to pass that ascent!!

There is a land of grass surrounded by hills called “Oro-Oro Ombo” Savannah. From Oro-Oro Ombo to Cemmoro Kandang is quite far and the track quite extreme. Should be noted that, if there are girls on your group, there are some tips for them:
  • Workout a week before it
  • Prepare a suitable apparel (which is able to absorb our sweat and warm)  
  • Bring a  Sunblock
  • Bring a wet-tissue
  • Stay on the group!

Along the way there are some trees that fall down, You can take a rest on it. Remember that it is frezing there so bring your wind breaker jackets to avoid  Hipotermia, which deadly. So the point is prepare your mental and you strength! Stay Focus ! Oh, there is one place called “Kelik”.

You have to stay together on your group and go in the same way, or you will end-up get nothing on the peak. You will late for the sunrise because it takes too long to wait for another member.

There are many lessons we get from this climbs. Fun, sadness, exhausted, freezing, and so on, but we have to deal with it to reach our purpose. However, measure your own strength don’t force yourself. Going back home safely is more important.
So this is it, MAHAMERU PEAK for you guys!!

Enjoy your trip,
Enjoy your Indonesia..


Thursday, November 5, 2015



Bali, is not always identic with wonderful beach arround it, Bali also hid another great tourism destination it is called waterfall. Waterfall is quite familiar among the tourists. However, there is  a different way to enjoy the waterfall it is called ”CANYONING KALIMUDAH. It is located on Singaraja, at Git-git village.

Along the way, the tourists will be accompanied by a stream that ended right on the canyoning spot. Before we start real canyoning, it is better for us to learn how to slide in a place that already prepared. However, we must be accompanied by experts and follow the rules for our safety.

The first thing to do is we have to use sliding technique because the stone altitude is quite low. On the way to the waterfall we will accompanied by amazing view.

On the first waterfall we have to prepare the Rapling (walking down the waterfall) equipment. Should be noted that even we already familiar with canyoning, it is a must to conduct briefing before we start the activity.

For your information, this activity is suitable for children because overall if we follow the rules it is categorized safety sport. Also, with the aid of a guide and rope, canyoning is considered safe.

The next step is quite challenging because the height of the waterfall is about 7 meters. The real canyoning is begin !!

Half the way, there is amazing challenge waiting for us. There are two techniques to walking down the waterfall whether we choose to directly jump into the water or slide down in the rope. The depth of the pond is for about 3-4 meters, so we have to swim to the edge. Please use your foot strength to kick yourself down to the pond.

Feel the sensation when you directly jump from 7 meters height waterfall, it’s like your soul trapped somewhere on the top.
There will be many waterfalls with different height, so have fun!! D

NOTE: Stop the activity when the rain comes !!

All the canyoning technique will be useful in this spot, there are Sliding, Jumping, Rapling, Tracking, Upseling,. For the sum, Canyoning in Git-git village is recommended dude! You have to try it !

FYI , Rapling also called as Upseling. The equipments and technique are the same; the difference is on the location.
For the begginer, canyoning is quite challenging so break a leg! Because its really hard, but you can start to enjoy it. No pain no gain dude, should learn to face your fear..!!

source : oasis

We can also use the Zipline technique, like flying fox. Start with Rapling and then move the rope and slide downn the waterfall..!!

Among all the Rapling spot, the highest is 15 meters!! hiiiii its going to be a pressure from your head and it is also slippery and sheer. Haha.. Here some tips in Rapling in the hard intention waterfall:
  • Don’t you dare to look up ! Better for you to look down.
  • Strengthen your steps!
With all the obstacles! You will be a different man, dude! HEHE Your gentleman level will increase. Keep exploring! You’ll never know the influenced..


Flying Board – Pantai Tanjung Benoa, Bali


Bali lagi? Iya dong..
Bosen? Enggak dong..
Bali menurut tim redaksi adalah tempat yang tidak pernah habis untuk dibahas. Banyak tempat-tempat wisata baru yang terus muncul disini. Enjoy Your Trip.. Tanjung Benoa untuk Indonesia!

Adventure pertama di Tanjung Benoa adalah.. weits tenang bro tenaang, kami tidak akan membahas hal yang biasa saja pastinya. Tidak seperti kebanyakan wisata pantai di Bali pada umumnya yang menyediakan beragam water sport seperti Jet Ski dan Banana Boat, di tempat yang satu ini ada water sport yang tidak biasa. Kalian pernah nonton film Iron Man? You can fly.. Flying Board namanya, cause you can fly, and you stay on the board !!!

Kelihatan gampang? Weitss, jangan sombong deh. Jangan mencoba wahana satu ini kalau tidak dengan instrukturnya. Sumpah ini tidak mudah untuk dilakukan, bagi pemula bakal banyak yang fail.. dengan ditemani instruktur, akan banyak membantu kita yang masih pemula. Satu lagi, ada juga seorang instruktur cewek disini, dari Jepang bro.. kemoci :P

Namanya Anna, bagaimana? Makin semangat nih kalau gini :P
Sebelum kami memuat berita ini, mungkin banyak dari kalian semua yang belum tau, apa itu Flying Board.. sama, kami juga belum tau hehe. Tapi tenang, sebentar lagi pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu bakal kita jawab, bersama-sama.

jadi memang pasang sepatunya susah, harus mengapung dan ini membutuhkan balance yang luar biasa..” begitu ucap sang instruktur ketika melatih.

Jadi, langkah pertama Flying Board ini adalah pasang sepatunya, lalu coba dinaikkan dan jaga keseimbangan dengan baik. Naik Flying Board ini butuh keseimbangan super, kekuatan kaki-kaki benar-benar diuji disini. Kalau tidak kuat dan tidak imbang, ya jatuh. Satu hal lagi, karena dipantai ini ada banyak Jet Ski yang lalu-lalang, takutnya kalau kalian tidak seimbang bisa menghantam mereka, atau paling ringan ya kepentok. Jadi jangan terlalu dekat dengan Jet Ski!!!
Flying Board ini adalah olahraga air dimana kaki kita akan didorong oleh arus yang diambil dari air laut, lalu dihantarkan dengan kecepatan tinggi. Flying Board pertama diciptakan oleh Juara Dunia Jetski asal Perancis, Franky Zapata pada tahun 2011.

Hasil gambar untuk Franky Zapata
source : wondergulengineering 

Ketika kalian mencoba olahraga ini, harus punya sifat tidak mudah menyerah. Gagal akan senantiasa menemanimu yang baru jadi pemula. Ketika kalian berhasil mengendalikannya, pasti kalian seperti Tony Stark, sang Iron Man.. haha. Sensasinya luar biasa bro ketika kalian bisa mengendalikannya. Terasa sungguh-sungguh terbang. Untuk tarif sekitar 800 ribu rupiah per pax.
Tapi perlu kalian ingat, bermain Flying Board ini lumayan buat fisik capek, kata instruktur kalau sudah ahli, bisa bertahan 1-2 jam berdiri diatas Flying Board ini, bahkan ada yang bisa atraksi juga, OMG!!!

Buat para perempuan, juga boleh banget kalau pengen mencoba. Buktinya ada satu cewek yang bisa jadi instruktur. Ingat, perempuan bukan jadi batasan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang tidak biasa seperti olahraga ini. Anna salah satunya, dia sudah ahli untuk olahraga jenis ini, waa.. aishiteruu Anna aishiteruu.. hahaa

Tantang adrenalin kalian ketika berkunjung ke Tanjung Benoa, Bali..!!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pameran Indonesia Halal Tourism, Foods, Products & Services (HTFP) Expo 2015

Pameran Indonesia Halal Tourism, Foods, Products & Services (HTFP) Expo 2015

Tanggal : 14 – 17 Mei 2015
Tempat : Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
Pameran Indonesia Halal Tourism, Foods, Products & Services (HTFP) Expo 2015
Pameran INDONESIA HALAL Tourism, Foods, Products & Services (HTFP) Expo 2015, yang diselenggarakan bersamaan dengan pameran AGRO & FOOD ke-15 dan Gebyar Wisata dan Budaya Nusantara Ke-13, menampilkan banyak industri makanan dan akan dihadiri oleh kalangan pengusaha industri makanan, terutama yang tergabung dalam GAPMMI.
Para pengusaha di bidang makanan dan minuman itu secara khusus akan diundang untuk mengikuti kegiatan Seminar “Sosialisasi Undang-Undang Jaminan Produk Halal (UU-JPH)” yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Agama RI. Kegiatan ini telah dikomunikasikan kepada Kementerian Agama RI dan GAPMMI untuk penyelenggaraan seminar tersebut.
Kegiatan lain yang diselenggarakan Kementerian Agama RI pada pameran tersebut adalah Gerakan Masyarakat Sadar Halal (GEMAR HALAL) yang juga akan melibatkan para pengusaha makanan dan minuman. Di samping itu, dalam pameran ini juga diselenggarakan acara International Islamic Business Leader (IIBL) Summit yang akan mengundang para investor baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Kepada mereka akan disajikan berbagai peluang usaha di bidang bisnis, pariwisata, maupun pembangunan infrastruktur oleh perusahaan BUMN, swasta nasional, dan pemerintah daerah.
Peserta pameran:
  • Perhotelan
  • Perbankan syariah
  • Industri minuman
  • Produk-produk syariah
  • Industri kosmetik
  • Industri makanan
  • Industri obat
  • Biro perjalanan wisata
  • dan lainnya
Penyelenggaraan IIBL Summit diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Komunikasi Ekonomi Syariah (PKES) bekerjasama dengan PT. Wahyu Promo Citra, didukung oleh Kementerian Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia.
Halal Market
Deskripsi pameran

Media promosi
Info dan kontak:
Mustakim – Account Executive
PT. Wahyu Promo Citra
Rawabambu 1, Jl. A, No. 1, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
  • T. 021-7892938, F. 021-7890647
  • M. 082125407912


Pameran Garuda Travel Fair

Pameran Garuda Travel Fair – September 2015

Tanggal : 25 – 27 September 2015
Tempat : Main Lobby, Cendrawasih & Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center
Waktu : 10.00-20.00 WIB
Pameran Garuda Travel Fair – September 2015
The most awaited travel fair is back! Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair 2015 will be held in JCC Jakarta on 25-27 September 2015.
Pilih destinasi favorit dengan penawaran terbaik!
Info dan kontak:
  • Facebook: Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair
  • Twitter: @GATravelFair


Kompas Travel Fair 2015 – Jakarta

Kompas Travel Fair 2015 – Jakarta

Tanggal: 28 – 30 Agustus 2015
Tempat: Cendrawasih Hall, Jakarta Convention Center
Kompas Travel Fair 2015
Dapatkan penawaran menarik dan harga spesial untuk paket liburan impian anda ke berbagai destinasi baik domestik maupun Internasional hanya di Kompas Travel Fair 2015.
Kompas Travel Fair di tahun 2015 memberikan pengalaman lebih bagi Anda dan keluarga atau bersama kerabat dalam memilih liburan. Tahun penyelengaraan keempat ini, Harian Kompas bekerja sama dengan Dyandra Promosindo dan disponsori Bank CIMB Niaga.
Terdapat biro perjalanan, perusahaan maskapai penerbangan, hotel, tourism object, travel equipment, dan tourism board yang memberikan informasi lengkap dan berinteraksi langsung dengan para pecinta traveling. Selain itu, ragam agenda acara yang inspiratif dan menghibur akan disuguhkan untuk melengkapi pengalaman travelling Anda selama pameran berlangsung. Nantikan penawaran spesial lainnya, luangkan waktu Anda dan kunjungi Kompas Travel Fair 2015.
Info dan kontak :
Twitter: @KTravelFair


Indonesia Tourism Creative Economy Fair (ITCEF) 2015

Indonesia Tourism Creative Economy Fair (ITCEF) 2015

Date : 16 – 18 October 2015
Place : JCC Jakarta
Time :
  • First and second days : 10.00-20.00 pm
  • Third day : 10.00-17.00 pm
Indonesia Tourism Creative Economy Fair (ITCEF) 2015
Tourism Sector Exhibitor Profile
  • International Tourism Organizations
  • ASEAN + China + India + Japan + Korea National Tourism Organization
  • Local Tourism Promotion Boards
  • Airlines; Airports & Airport Services;
  • Car and Limousine Services; Train/Coach Operators; Cruise / Ferry Services;
  • Convention and Visitors Bureaus; Business & MICE Travel;
  • Tour Operators; Travel Management Company; Travel Agencies
  • Tourism Destinations; Attractions; Art & Heritage Centers;
  • Convention & Exhibition Center; Cultural Venue; Museums;
  • Golf Courses; Holiday Camps;
  • Hotels, Restaurants & Bars;
  • Credit Cards & Facilities Providers;
  • Reservations Systems; Technology & Facilities Suppliers;
  • Trade Media and Travel Trade Association
  • Tourist Associations
  • Amusement / Theme Parks, Pubs and Entertainment Outlets
  • Health Spas and Beach Resorts
  • Reservation Systems
  • International and State Tourism Board / Organizations
  • Destinations Management Companies
  • Tourism School
Economy Creative Products Categories
  • Antiques and Cultural
  • Cultural Performances
  • Creative Advertising
  • Creative Design
  • Creative Fashion
  • Culinary
  • Film, Video & Photography
  • Interactive Games
  • Research & Development
  • Printing & Publishers
  • Computer Services & Software
  • Architecture
  • Television & Radio
  • Handycraft
Info dan kontak:
ITCEF 2015 Organizing Committee
Jl.KS Tubun Raya, Jakarta 10260
Tel : +62-21 530 3111 | Fax : +62-21 530 3113
Email :
